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RESONIKS' Employee Stories - celebrating Wolfram Grötsch

Updated: Nov 11, 2024

TAMPERE, 4. September 2024. Continuing our Employee Stories series where we spotlight the faces behind our pitch-perfect team, today we'd like to celebrate Wolfram Grötsch who joined the team in February 2024.

If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

I’d finally start working out to build up strength and endurance—and fix my posture so I don’t end up looking like a banana anymore!

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

The stereotypical astronaut. Other than that I was always interested in being an engineer. Or at least someone who builds and creates things.

What are your favourite hobbies or interests outside of work?

Gaming, Leatherwork, Reenactment, Biking (which happens way too little), E-sports

What was the moment you knew you'd made the right decision to work here?

When Fabian (the co-founder of RESONIKS) told me about the journey of “Fabian” (the office plant) which was resurrected to life following a strict set of rules and guidelines. The image below is of a NOW Fabian, who is flourishing due to all the love and care its received by Fabian and the wider team. This level of kindness, care and guidance is visible from the founders towards all their team members.

What do Wolfram's colleagues say about working with him?

It's a pleasure to work closely with Wolfram. I deeply respect and admire his tenacity in researching, debugging, and developing, leading to results he is genuinely proud to present. Despite my past struggles with team dynamics due to differing views, collaborating with him has been a truly rewarding experience.

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